"Love and the MAGIC of what a WILDER mind can CREATE."
to be a dreamer bound by the shackles of reality. I’ve always balanced on that fine line between what my soul was crated for and what reality demands of a person. The truth Is I’m a shapeshifter, I adapt to what reality expects of me sometimes at the cost of my inner being.
It’s both a blessing and a curse to travel between dreams, fantasy and reality. To loose yourself in the love stories of even the smallest moments, the way the sun reflects in a black forest lake, the first time your baby puts those chubby arms around your neck or the scent of your lovers skin in the fall.
Small things I can linger in forever, short moments of eternal love.
2016 was the first time that I noticed the change. At first I wanted to believe the doctors but a black fear had stated to grow in my chest. My father was sick, and time would show he had a vicious type
of dementia. My once so strong, wise, and endlessly loving father faded away before my eyes and in February of 2022 I held his hand for the last time, softly whispering in his ear; it’s okay you can leave, we’ll be all right. Knowing the wound of him going will never fully heal.
In the aftermath, the emptiness and sorrow I decided that I wouldn’t let anything stop me from creating a business and a life built around what makes my heart sing, love and the magic of what a wilder mind can create.
It's a hard thing
things you should know...
three things im proud of:
My loving, strong and creative kids.
Participating in Stockholm fashion week with my own brand (many years ago)
That me and my husband spent more than 20 years together (and still love each other)
När SM i fotografi avgjordes 2024 tilldelades fotograf Alexandra Gelfgren 4 diplom för sina bilder i kategorierna bröllop reportage och bröllop öppen. Högst poäng fick bilderna “i swear” och "one step closer" som placerade sig på en delad 8:de plats och en 11:e plats i finalen.
Bilder bedöms efter Impact/påverkan, kreativitet, grundbild, efterbearbetning, berättelse, ljussättning, posering och form, komposition och kategori.